Sunday, November 16, 2008

Fat Dreams

As you may know we have to count every trace amount of fat so that Dominic's diet does not go past 1 gram of fat a day. Seems easy enough right, just pick baby foods that have 0 grams of fat. Well, it's not that easy EVERYTHING has fat in it, very small amounts but it's there. Fruit, veggies, all of it. So I go to the USDA website and plug in what I've fed Dominic and then it gives the amount like .12g and so on. Then I have to add it up to see what he can have for the rest of the day. Well if you don't know me, I suck at math, I'm horrible and it doesn't help that my memory is shot after having kids. Jeff thankfully is great at math and made me an excel program to help keep my math headaches minimal. With this daily system of figuring out the fat I'm now having bad dreams about food that I checked and had small amounts to where they were safe for Dominic. In my dreams I'm finding out that what I thought was safe really had tons of fat, these are actually night mares for me since my baby's health depends pretty much only on me since I'm the one taking care of him all day while Jeff is working. I'm hoping these dreams will stop soon, I know that I'm doing everything I can to keep the fat under a gram a day I guess my mind is subconsciously insecure.

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