Thursday, July 3, 2008

Latest on Domino

We recently had a visit with Domino's metobolic dr., he's doing very well. They have now allowed me to go 4 hours at night for feeds so really he only needs to eat 1 time during the night since I do not go to bed until 12:30am. We start solids in 2.5 months, that will be the harder part as we will have to caculate every calorie and gram of fat. We'll have to keep a log of everything he eats, kind of hard to do with the chaoticness of life right now, is that a word?? As long as his fat levels are good he'll be allowed around 15% of calories from fat, this can change if I stop breast feeding but I don't want to quit until he's at least a year old. We're pretty happy about this precentage, it originally was going to be alot less than that. He's been great so far, he's a strong boy!

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